Mosque Finder

Find Mosques and Prayer Places Near You

Discover nearby mosques and prayer places with ease

Mosque Finder

Welcome to Salah Spotter

  • Helped thousands of people find mosques near them
  • Provided real-time mosque locator services
  • Simplified the process of finding places of worship
  • Conveniently located nearby mosques for visitors

Find Nearby Mosques

With Salah Spotter, you can easily find mosques and prayer places near your location.

Find Mosques

Find Mosques Near You

Discover mosques in your area

Locate Mosques in Real Time

Find mosques instantly on a live map

Discover Mosques Nearby

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Find Places for Prayer

Locate places of worship for prayer

Mosque Finder

Discover Nearby Mosques with Salah Spotter

With Salah Spotter, finding a mosque or place of worship near you has never been easier.


Discover Mosques Near You

Easily locate mosques and places of worship near you.

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Instant Mosque Locations

Get real-time updates on available mosques in your area.

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Effortless Mosque Discovery

Effortlessly find the perfect mosque for your needs.

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Prayer Places at Your Fingertips

Find a Mosque Near You

Start your journey to find a mosque nearby.

What Our Customers Say

Read what our customers have to say about Salah Spotter.
Absolutely love using Salah Spotter! It has made finding nearby mosques so much easier. Highly recommend!
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Salah Spotter is a lifesaver! Being able to locate prayer places in real-time is such a convenient feature. Thank you!
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I have been using Salah Spotter for a while now and it never disappoints. It’s the perfect mosque finder tool!
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Testimonials, as authentic endorsements from satisfied customers, serve as potent social proof, significantly inspiring trust in potential consumers.
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Pricing Plans

We offer flexible pricing plans to suit your needs.

Basic Plan


Get started with the essentials.

  • Access to mosque finder
  • Real-time mosque locator
  • Limited support
Get Started
Standard Plan

Contact us

Upgrade for more features and support.

  • Access to mosque finder
  • Real-time mosque locator
  • Priority support
Upgrade Now

How to Find Nearby Mosques

Discovering nearby mosques has never been easier. Just follow these steps to find a mosque near you in no time.

Go to the Salah Spotter website to begin your search for nearby mosques and places of worship.

Allow Salah Spotter to access your location so that we can provide you with accurate information about nearby mosques.

Once your location is shared, you will be shown a map with markers indicating the locations of nearby mosques and places of worship.

Use the filter options to narrow down your search based on specific criteria such as prayer times, facilities, and services offered.